

  • 12-12-2023
    • Publication




US-based SVoD services and the restructuring of the audio-visual production market: The French case

A new article by Chaire PcEn researchers about SvoD services and their link with audio-visual production, published in the Journal of Digital Media & Policy

This article studies the impact of the rise of new content consumption methods on French audio-visual production. To this end, we conducted 26 semi-structured interviews with producers, investigating their relationship with new online players, as well as their work habits. This study makes it possible to distinguish between two market segments: the first is organized around US-based subscription video on demand platforms (Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+) and the second around players from the competitive fringe, who are smaller but whose demand still fuels the French audio-visual sector.

Find the article here: https://intellectdiscover.com/content/journals/10.1386/jdmp_00132_1#abstract_content